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Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC

Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC (FEI), founded by Janice Ferebee in 1998, is a global female empowerment social enterprise dedicated to improving the lives of girls and young women. FEI empowers adult caregivers and service providers who serve and support adolescent girls, with tools they need to improve the quality of girls' lives, by providing personal development, social-emotional, female-friendly products, programs, and services that engage and empower young females to thrive - socially, emotionally, and economically.
FEI’s products and services include keynote, conference, panel, podcast, retreat, and workshop speaking engagements; female-focused, non-fiction handbooks and articles; consulting; empowerment merchandise; and training - including customized training and certification of practitioners, service providers, and leaders of girl-serving organizations, of FEI’s best known award-winning empowerment program for girls, Got It Goin' On®. (GIGO * training & certification available in 2024).
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